The Interior Castle: Study Edition


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Teresa of Avila Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD & Otilio Rodriguez, OCD 
Prepared by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD & Carol Lisi, OCDS


The Interior Castle is considered St. Teresa of Avila’s masterpiece. She wrote this last work in just a few months in 1577, five years before her death. At this point in her life she had been granted the highest mystical graces; this book is the fruit of her lived experience and a deep-felt praise of God for it.

More than a book, The Interior Castle is a powerful image of the mystery of the human person. It is, in a very real sense, Teresa’s soul. Using the image of a castle, Teresa describes the soul’s progressive inner journey through seven dwelling places, until finally reaching the center where, now transformed, it is united with God.

This study edition is designed as a springboard to reading and understanding Teresa’s text. It includes interpretive notes, questions for reflection, a glossary of terms, and a biblical index. 484 pages. Paperback.